2014年2月23日 星期日

Installing PPPOE server on linux system with VM. 利用VM在linux系統上安裝 PPPOE server

1. install

apt-get install ppp
apt-get install pppoe


yum install ppp
yum install pppoe

2. config

#if there is no /etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options
cp /etc/ppp/options /etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options

you can see detail configs in http://wayne0225.blogspot.tw/2012/07/pppoe-server-on-ubuntu.html

3. Execute

#*** need to execute every time when you reboot
# config distributed address, # eth0 is the nic which client will dial in.
pppoe-server -I eth0 -L -R
# -L IP : interface's ip (gateway)
# -R IP: distributed ip range

# enable the fordwarding function on your linux system
echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

porting packet to internet accessable nics
# eth0 is your outgoing interface
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

4.with VM

Sometimes you want to test your cpe's pppoe function but with the ISP's corporation, and VM is easy accessible, portable and easy recovery tool. Below, I use vmware as my virtualization tool.
first topology (not working)
My purpose is start two vm, vm1 as pppoe server with nat, vm2 as client, vm1 has two nics, first nic for internet access throught the vm's nat, the second nic used to connected with vm2.
But I found that the packet from vm2 can't go throught the VM NAT, it will be blocked, and I don't know why.
Using real nic as nat server despite vm's nat function (working)
So, I use my physical nic's nat function, and bridge VM1 NIC1 to host pc's NIC2, and it works, the packet can go through now, it's weird, but it works.

5. Trouble shooting:

if your packet is blocking by firewall, clear iptables first
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z

